Diana Scholz
Diana Scholz
Senior Consultant

Sociologist with a focus on economics. I have been filling executive positions in the Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry for over 10 years.

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Diana Scholz

Senior Consultant

Sociologist with a focus on economics. I have been filling executive positions in the Healthcare & Life Sciences Industry for over 10 years.

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Diana Scholz

"Healthcare & Life Sciences are facing fundamental challenges. I find the executives for you who will successfully lead your company into the future."


Diana Scholz
Senior Consultant
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Your expert for executives

Life science and healthcare

Advances in the healthcare industry have improved the quality of life for billions of people – including my own. But the great challenge remains: striking a balance between patient well-being, economic, political and societal interests, and employee satisfaction. A huge transformation process is necessary while facing challenges, such as digitization, cost increases, demographics and a shortage of skilled workers.

Given the transformation and its tasks it is important to keep the big picture in mind, i.e. the company and the respective context. In this area of conflict, creative solutions must be found and all stakeholders must be brought on board. It takes executives who are powerful, persistent and empathetic examples of change and who inspire people with their ideas. I will find these executives for you.

At GET AHEAD Executive Search, I am responsible for healthcare & life sciences sector and its strategic development. As a member of the global practice group "Life Sciences" of the Friisberg Group I have first-hand knowledge of global trends and developments. Before joining GET AHEAD I worked for several renowned international consulting firms. I studied sociology with an emphasis on economics at the University of Hamburg.

Industry Expertise

Sharing knowledge and experience.
Chemical industry, pharmacy, life sciences & healthcare
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