Recruitment consultant
for clean technology, energy, utility & transportation

Executive Search Energy Industry

Managers with plenty of energy for renewal
The goal of achieving a CO2-neutral Europe by 2050 and the associated decarbonization are shaping energy production and supply as well as industrial production and trade. Overall, new structures, more efficient processes and, above all, resource-conserving and low-emission technologies are required. Smart city & broadband, digitization of networks or green hydrogen are just a few concepts belonging to this context. The transformation of the production structure and the arrival of digital technology pose new challenges for players along the entire value chain. Executives are being challenged within their professional and personal spectrums like never before.
Our executive search consultants have in-depth expertise and experience in the energy industry. These are crucial components in finding leaders for your company who can successfully rise to these challenges – managers who are comfortable "thinking outside the box" and navigating their teams through what is in part an unfamiliar and volatile world, significantly influenced by politics, technology advances and leaps in digitalization. Critical to success for managers will be how pronounced their affinity for digital technologies – cloud, AI, IoT, etc. – is and whether they possess a consistent focus on the customer.

Challenge of security of supply

With the reform of the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), the expansion of decentralized renewable power generation (photovoltaics, onshore/offshore wind) will receive further regulatory support so as not to jeopardize such an ambitious expansion plan. Both the switch to distributed renewable generation sources and increasingly digitally optimized customer consumption (electricity and gas, residential and commercial) pose challenges for transmission and distribution system operators. Enormous investments are necessary in order to transport increasing volumes, efficiently distribute them digitally, and ensure the security of supply.

AI and automation in the energy industry

Artificial intelligence (AI) and automation are becoming more prevalent, particularly among grid operators in energy trading and sales. In the end-customer market especially, companies wanting to secure digital customer access will need to put forward innovative offers.

Sector coupling, e.g., the use of renewable electricity also for transport and heating, calls for cross-industry action, especially in the traffic and transport sector as well as in neighborhood solutions in residential construction. New digital processes promote intelligent networking, yield efficiency in the system and new customer experiences.

New faces of the energy industry 4.0

The demands on executives in this transformation are higher than ever. Besides solid commercial and technical skills, digital competencies and new entrepreneurship are in demand.
Our clients include municipal utilities, energy suppliers and network operators, service providers and private equity investors. With numerous successful mandates, we have not only built a large network of leaders and talent in the energy industry. We are also experienced in advising municipal as well as heterogeneously staffed supervisory boards. As an HR consultancy with unique expertise in the industry, we know your business areas and can therefore identify and attract executives with potential.

Our Recruitment Consultants
Clean technology, energy, utility & transportation

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Alexander Matthies
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Alexander Matthies
Managing Partner
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+49 40 20209-113
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Sabine Pirkner
Associate Partner
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+43 01 93084 3095
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Sabine Pirkner
Associate Partner
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GET AHEAD consulting focus areas

Generation & distribution
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Marketing & sales
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Renewable energies
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Wind power
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Solar energy
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Green hydrogen
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Water management
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New markets
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