Thorsten Marquardt
Thorsten Marquardt

Business economist with a passion for new technologies and change processes in the energy and retail industries.

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Thorsten Marquardt


Business economist with a passion for new technologies and change processes in the energy and retail industries.

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Thorsten Marquardt

"I want to help shape the success of innovative companies in the energy world and retail by putting people in positions in which they can capitalize on their strengths."


Thorsten Marquardt
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+49 40 20209-128
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Partner and expert for executives

Clean technology, energy & utility, transportation sectors

Innovation is impacting our daily lives and we are learning how to deal with change; whether digital shopping without cash registers or silent electric driving with a sustainable energy supply. In the end, human beings as consumers determine the success or failure of your products and business models. As an open-minded and interested person with a passion for new technologies and change processes, this fascinates and motivates me. At GET AHEAD Executive Search in Munich, I help shape the success of my clients in energy and retail by placing personalities in positions in which they can develop their strengths and provide valuable impetus for companies toward an increasingly digital future.

I have worked for many years as an executive in the energy industry and retail, including at BP, Fortum, Stadtwerke Minden, E.ON, MediaMarktSaturn and s.Oliver. Particularly exciting for me: collaborating with startups in the energy and retail markets. They have shown me once again how essential entrepreneurial spirit and implementation skills are for economic success.

After studying business administration in Hamburg, I lived in various places in Germany and Sweden and worked internationally as a manager. I now bring this culturally valuable experience, my industry expertise and my network into consulting. I find and recruit for you excellent leaders who will contribute significantly to the success of your company/organization.

Industry Expertise

Sharing knowledge and experience.
Digital, media. advanced technology & IT
Clean technology, energy, utility & transportation
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