personnel diagnostics

Scientifically based method

For successful staffing
Whether a person is not only cut out for a leadership position, but can fill it in an impressionable way, depends less on the specialized knowledge learned than on personality traits. Those such as self-control, willpower, motivation, perseverance and resilience are the key potential indicators for professional success.
Critical competencies are just as important when filling management positions: e.g., technical competence, methodological competence, social competence. Which competence profile is best suited to the position? Which one does the candidate reflect?

Because many competencies and especially the potential indicators are not reflected on paper, career stages or in conventional headhunting interviews, GET AHEAD has been using a specific, demonstrably successful method for many years: evidence-based personnel diagnostics.

Individual and nuanced interview technique

Comprehensive assessment of a leadership personality
Behind this is an individual and nuanced interview technique. It not only takes into account the previous 20 years of professional life, but also the first 20 to 25 years of life.

The GET AHEAD interviews are based on scientific findings of personality development (e.g., neuroscience, psychology, sociology).

Predictions of career success and fit

With this approach, we cannot only make determinations regarding the potential indicators but also predictions about a candidate’s professional performance in the future, which have often proven to be impressively accurate in retrospect.

Evidence-based personnel diagnostics at a glance

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Forecast accuracy: EPD enables a valid statement regarding the professional success of candidates as well as their behavior as leaders.
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Objectivity and fairness: EPD instruments are designed to be objective and unbiased. They ensure fairness and prevent the discrimination of specific groups of people.
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Scientifically based: The foundations of EPD are scientifically proven.
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High acceptance: EPD enjoys high acceptance among HR decision-makers.
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Sustainable: EPD leads to a suitable placement of positions, thus avoiding high costs for replacements.
Learn more about Evidence-based personnel diagnostics
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